T -2…some random thoughts

Ok…its like down to the final stretch. Just before the kick to the finish line!

Before I write today’s entry, one of the comments is from Sharon, who works with Steph…..and I have a question for her. What exactly does Olive Oil Sister mean?

Anyway, during spinning today I thought about the things I will be doing once I get activated. It dawned on me that I will be able to hear the full spectrum of music. Right now, I can only hear the mid-range, hardly the highs and only feel the lows (treble is high, bass is low, right?). In fact, the only time I can listen to music is when I am driving alone. I literally have to “crank it up”! And even when I do, I have to put my hand on the door to feel the lows. And, I wonder about the funky music they play during spinning.

I think once I get activated and start hearing music, I am going to treat myself to a brand new stereo at home perhaps, a home theater with all the bells and whistles and surround sound. And I won’t have to worry about everyone telling me to “TURN IT DOWN!”. Then I’ll have to dust off those old vinyls (remember the turntable?) or replace them with their CD equivalents.

I yearn for those good ole sounds of Led Zeppelin, Cream, Stevie Ray, Dave Brubeck…

7 comments for “T -2…some random thoughts

  1. Holly Witt
    January 10, 2007 at 9:09 am

    Did you figure out what olive oil sister means? I’m not sure I qualify. Anyway I wanted to wish you the best on your big day friday. Tell nurse stephanie to take real good care of you or else! I also told Steph that I think you should go for it and shave your head before surgery, maybe even a mohawk. Good luck Sam!

  2. Paul Schwartzmyer
    January 10, 2007 at 2:13 pm

    Sam: The music today was not funky, Michelle had the lead bike. I play the funky music. Before you spend big bucks on a system, will you know what “music” is? I think you might want to sit back, wait, ponder, getting it all together as you listen to the muse.
    I kicked your butt again today!

  3. Sharon (Olive Oil Sister)
    January 10, 2007 at 5:07 pm

    One more thing Sam … Holly does qualify for being an “Olive Oil Sister” … She’s our younger “Olive Oil Swedish Sister”


  4. Diane
    January 10, 2007 at 5:08 pm

    Dear Sam,
    We will be with you in spirit. Sorry I can’t shave my head right now with you, if Steph won’t do it, either will I!
    We won’t be able to stop thinking of you, just 2 more days.

    No one will be able to talk behind your back anymore. When I yell next time at a race telling you to “GO” because Michael is behind you, YOU BETTER GO!

  5. Joyce (Bee)
    January 10, 2007 at 6:14 pm

    Hi Sam..
    I just wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow!!

    I hope all goes well!! When do you get Activated??

    Love Ya, Joyce!!

  6. Joyce (Bee)
    January 10, 2007 at 6:15 pm

    Sorry 2 days!!! GOOD LUCK Bee

  7. Greg
    January 12, 2007 at 7:49 pm

    Not often you see Cream, Stevie Ray, and Dave Brubek mentioned in the same line. The man has good taste!


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