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Sam with the Checker’s Shamrock painted on cheek
Under the beautiful clear blue sky and cool crisp air over 300 runners partook in the Lebro’s 21st Annual Fall Classic for the benefit of Carly’s Club. This race took place on one of my favorite courses. A lot of good friends were there. And most notably, TOO many of them were in the 55-59 age group! I am really having second thoughts about running in that group. If any of the guys in either the 45-49 or 50-54 age groups can agree with my female groupies, I might consider moving down.
It was a great race is an understatement. Except for a nagging post-nasal drip, I felt absolutely phenomenal. And, it was amazing how the ticker just simply hummed along. For the first time I can remember, my legs felt more tired and worn out than my chest. When I crossed the finish line, I was not completely out of breath but more like ecstatic for being able to finish the race under 22 minutes. After all, that was my goal AND I hadn’t done that yet this year.
The best part of the whole thing was feeling so good about myself without worrying about others. Achieving the goal of finishing below 22 minutes with a repaired heart and new sense of self worth is far more worth the effort than the fact that three of the runners in my age group passed me during the last quarter mile. Seeing is believing, feeling is believing. But at the end of the day, the only word one can truly count on is in that verse at the top of this post.
To all of my Jewish friends and family, shana tova umetukah!