Dan is cooking dinner tonight…at least the side dish which is broccoli. If he puts that whole stick of butter in it, it will probably bring tears to my mother’s eyes since I used to do that myself when I was young….and brave. And hopefully, my cholesterol will get down low enough to make my doctor happy when I go for my physical on April 13th.
Anyway, tomorrow is another mapping session. I feel I have found a setting that doesn’t cause eye twitching which is 11:00 on the dial of my current program #1. I guess the challenge will be to improve on that setting. One thing I definitely notice is words are not sounding complete meaning I am hearing the beginning of the word but not the end. I am also having difficulty with people who talk fast but heck, I am not going to try to adjust for that. I’ll just have to tell them to “Whoa…SLOW DOWN!” I also told the missus to call Dr. Diaz-Ordaz to schedule a consultation on doing the other ear. As I mentioned before, I would like to do it in December this year.
On the running front, I am now up to 5 miles per run and those 5:00AM runs are starting to feel good especially with the weather getting better. The next race is the Bengal Run Saturday at 9:30 in the morning. If I can break the 23 minute mark, I’ll be happy and ahead of last year’s pace. The weather promises to be showers and in the mid 40s. And then I’ll probably stop over at older son Mike’s apartment down the street on Elmwood Avenue afterwards. But with my luck, he’ll prolly sucker me for a lunch at Pano’s.
I’ll be working at the race Saturday, so I’ll see you there.