Its been a busy week-CI

I just turned in my first book on CD, The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. Unfortunately, because the bureaucracy at County Hall decided we were paying too much in taxes, they cut monies out of the library budget hence, no Sunday hours. Guess I’ll have to go to the main library after work tomorrow.

I skipped one of my therapy sessions on Thursday due to either too much work in the office or not enough hours in the day. I know I am hearing better with the HiRes 120 because people I had difficulty with while I was on the HiRes are now sounding clearer and more understandable. Music is richer and clearer.

And noises are even more noticeable too. The other day, I thought the processor broke as I was hearing what sounded like the old feedback I used to get from my hearing aid. After spending 15 minutes swapping out headpieces, power cells, t-mics and processors, and then walking around and turning off various electronic devices all over the house, it turned out to be the fan on my laptop!

That brings up another situation to follow-up on when I go for my therapy session Tuesday. It seems that the last couple of weeks, I have been experiencing a bad case of tinnitus only when I enter the center. I have to remind myself to ask around and find out if it isn’t tinnitus but the air conditioner in the building!

Another thing I have also noticed – I am getting much better power cell life with the HiRes 120. The standard size power cell lifespan was roughly 8 to 9 hours is now 10 to 11. Maybe the software is that much more efficient while more sophisticated or its because the volume is limited to prevent twitching. In any case, its a pleasure not having to get cut out during a time when I usually have meetings.

I even picked up the Atlantic Record’s 60th anniversary CD. These would be R&B songs that the co-founder, Ahmet Ertegun picked as being his favorites. While some of the songs did sound familiar, I was able to hear lyrics. Something I could never hear when I wore a hearing aid. Even though I can hear the lyrics, I couldn’t understand them. That’s OK considering today is the 3 month anniversary of being activated and I was realistically given a timetable of 6 to 8 months before I gain any noticeable speech discrimination.

Since May is National Better Hearing and Speech Month I received an email from someone, who was reading Welcome to Sam Spritzer’s Web Site, announcing a website that focuses on hearing loss, and how to take control of your hearing health. Its called Raise Your Hand. Its interesting so I posted the link under Cochlear Implant Links on the right sidebar.

On a sad note, one of the members of a yahoo group I belong to that is made up of other CI users, passed away over the weekend. In the short time I knew her, Ginger was truly an inspiration to the group. One of her hobbies was a photography and she had a knack for taking some of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen.

Have a great week!

1 comment for “Its been a busy week-CI

  1. Jennifer
    May 6, 2007 at 8:44 pm

    Sam, my audiologist told me that the 120 got better battery time…she said that if I was getting seven hours now, I should get half that again, so I’m excited about that…ten hours or so of charge time…a good thing!! 😀

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