As we come down the home stretch, its very important to know that there is the huge mess. Seriously, as much as you would think we could do it in a half hour like those home improvement tv shows, do you think the displaced stuff magically disappears? No….and you’ve only seen half the story of stuff piled up in the living room in the last post. Here is the rest…plus some added bonuses…..

View from the basement including the new Dan's man-cave. Notice the old couch and tv got a new life rather than be banished to couch and tv heaven.

Mike is moving into an apartment with his truly and decided his bedroom AKA mommy and daddy's house is safer than a department layaway bin.

See the boxes piled up neatly in front of the bike? Mike's! See the bedboard on my old barcolounger? Mike's!
And now for a couple of teaser shots…
I’m loving this 🙂