Happy Thanksgiving

I am thankful for my good health and that of my family. I am thankful for my new ears and the opportunity to hear like I’ve never heard before. I am thankful for my job and the wonderful people I work for and with. I am thankful for a injury-free, ever improving running season. I am thankful for my sanity. I am thankful for my extended family on Hearing Journey especially Jen, Abbie, Mike, Gloria, Kim, Queen Evelyn and all of those who have endured the trials and tribulations of their new ears, also known as cochlear implants. I am thankful to all of my fans, friends and every person who has played a role and part in my life. And lastly, I am thankful for my family…Steph, Mike, Dan, Mom, Ellen, Tom, Vamoose, Josh, Julie, Milt, and their families.

To everyone…please do have a happy healthy and wonderful Thanksgiving!

3 comments for “Happy Thanksgiving

  1. November 29, 2008 at 12:49 am

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Sam! There certainly is a lot for which to be thankful. Sometimes we may have to look carefully to find it and other times it just jumps right out at us. I’m thankful you have your sanity, too! Jennifer 🙂

  2. C
    December 1, 2008 at 8:20 am

    We all have so much to be thankful for. Thank You for putting things in perspective for all of us. Thank you for being you.

  3. Evelyn
    December 6, 2008 at 9:25 am

    It is good to be reminded of what great friends we have all become and our ears connected us all! Now to wait until June of 2009 when we are all together…..get ready because it’s gonna happen. I bet you’ll be running around Nashville to keep up your exercising when your there? How will you have time for that?


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