Reflecting back on the past year, I wonder what resolutions I made last year and whether I kept them or not! I think this is an annual cycle that repeats itself only because I don’t write down what I resolve. Ok, here goes…
- Lose 10 more pounds, plus the 5 gained over the holidays
- Eat less (and less and less and less)
- Teach my brain how to hear
- Ride my bike to work more often
- Break the 22 and 21 minute mark for 5K
- Compete in a half-marathon
- Add 5 more dead rabbits to the list (and I won’t tell you who they are)
- Collect 7 more lifetime PR certificates
- Write down all of my resolutions for the year so that this time next year, I can look back and see if I kept them!
- Be nicer to my family
- Paint the kitchen before the end of the year
- Paint the family room before the end of the year