Less than a week to go

I hope I am not boring you by not having much to write about but with less than a week to go, but I can tell you I am really getting anxious. Now, I am sure I’ve told you that it most likely won’t sound very pleasant when the switch is thrown. After all, the brain for the very first time in my entire life, is going to be bombard by 90,000 pieces of information per second known as sounds and is not going to know what to do with them.

Some describe it as Daffy Duck and Charlie Brown back in the days of black & white tv before there was stereo and a boom box was a little transistor radio playing AM stations only. Others describe is as a lot of hissing, crackling, booming, beeping and other “noises”. It will take a couple of days to get used to all of this and then I will be going for a second mapping session on Thursday, the 8th. There is definitely one sound I am not going to enjoy and that is the soda machine in the lunchroom at work. I can already hear the humming with my hearing aid and trust me, it isn’t pleasant. That, I imagine, will be magnified tenfold or perhaps, a hundredfold. I wonder how I am going to respond to that!

And now for my prediction for the Super Bowl on Sunday…Indianapolis Colts 21, Chicago Bears 17.

3 comments for “Less than a week to go

  1. Karen
    February 13, 2007 at 12:35 pm

    With three days to go until my own activation, I revisited this particular post. I hope that I’m in the category of people who get an assortment of hissing, booming, cracking and other noises. The Daffy Duck option might get on my nerves.

    How does your own voice sound to you with your CI?

  2. February 13, 2007 at 12:41 pm

    My voice actually sounds louder and richer. People are now telling me that my voice is sounding much more consistent and softer than pre-surgery.

  3. Karen
    February 13, 2007 at 6:30 pm

    Oh, that’s something for me to look forward to then. People tell me that my voice is rapidly losing its natural sound. I put effort into making intonation and I try to find a non-auditory marker for keeping my volume good, but without hearing it, I’m not able to get it quite right. Maybe I’ll sound better with the help of a CI. Thanks, Sam!

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