A change in venue

Starting today, I am going to be write in the evening rather than the morning. This way, I can report on my experiences as they occured during the day while fresh in my mind. This will be extremely important particularly in the beginning since the more information and detail I provide, the better the audiologist will understand in order to set the mappings on the processor.

In the meanwhile, I hope I haven’t bored you with mundant stuff since I am waiting for next Tuesday and the weather is not what I would like to run in. The pavement may look dry but a good friend of mine, Tom, really did a number on his hamstring when he slipped on black ice. Tom….get well fast!! And this weekend promises to be the coldest in recent history.

Saturday is my last day at World Gym…and Sunday is my first day at Gold’s Gym. I am really looking forward to the newness of Gold’s which is undergoing a complete renovation.

Five more days to go…

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