
Yesterday was mapping session #7. My speech therapist, Prudence, was there since she would be better able to talk “speech techie” in describing what I can hear and what I can’t. Between her and the audies, Joanne and Michelle, I don’t think you will find a more caring and dedicated group of people.

This would be considered a very important mapping session and one which represents yet another milestone. My processor was upgraded from HiRes to HiRes 120. With HiRes, sound is filtered and analyzed into 16 spectral bands. HiRes 120 means the sound is filtered and analyzed into 120 spectral bands. In other words, my CI’s processing logic increased 7.5 times. Its like the difference between a 4 cylinder and an 8 cylinder car engine; a 60 and 150 watt light bulb. Sounds is much more clearer and crisper. The tone and volume of “s” vs. “sh” is more distinguishable. It seems that I am hearing more sounds. The only drawback which I hope can be addressed at the next visit is to get more volume.

Right now, the volume was purposely limited in order to avoid the facial twitching I was experiencing early on. See my previous posts on this subject. Just because the volume is limited doesn’t necessarily mean I have to strain to hear as if my hearing is bad (like is already isn’t!). The brain is an amazing mechanism. It will adjust as time goes on and I become comfortable. Remember, the goal is not to give me the power of speakers at a Rolling Stone concert but to give me the range and clarity of a symphony orchestra.

On the running front, today is the FAMA 5K (Friends and Alumni for Maryvale Athletics). Its yet another new race for me and Steph in Cheektowaga on a looping course that is half uphill, half downhill. Right now, the weather forecast is showers and in the 50s. I picked up some more tips from Coach Bob – if I want to go faster, I need to increase foot turnover and at the same time, as soon as my front foot lands, to push off. I did some practice runs and it seems that if I take smaller steps, I can better accomplish this. We’ll see how that plays out….

1 comment for “Upgrade

  1. Jennifer
    April 28, 2007 at 12:15 pm

    Hi Sam…I “met” you over at Laurie’s. It sounds like you’re making great progress with your implant! It will get better…I have had a very interesting experience with mine…no progress at all for three months, so I quit in frustration (still had one aided ear, and absolutely no patience)…then when I lost the hearing in the aided ear, I suddenly made huge gains in the implanted ear…as soon as I started wearing the processor, I jumped to 16% comprehension in TWO WEEKS. Sometimes the brain just takes a while to sort things out, it seems…in my case, it has been almost like flipping a switch…it’s wild!
    I’m also looking into bilateral…we’ll see if Blue Cross of TN will work with me!! 🙂

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