T -7…What part of “email is my main mode of communicating” don’t you understand?

I am starting to pile up the things I can do while recovering from surgery since I’ll be home for the week after that. The surgery itself should take about 3 hours and I’ll be going home the same day. Dan, my good friend at work, lend me a book “On Bullshit” by Harry G. Frankfurt. Now alot of us preach that every day but to write about it? Should make for some interesting reading.

Anyway, another thought. Occasionally, I get phone calls. My wife will return the call and politely inform the caller I am hard of hearing and that I cannot use the phone. If they wish to get a hold of me, they can email me and she gives them my email address. It shouldn’t be too hard to remember after all, I am sam at sampritzer.com!

The next day, same old caller…same old story. Sometimes, I simply cannot comprehend how anyone could not have gotten the message the first time around. So, Steph makes a second return call and again, politely informs them I am hard of hearing and that I cannot use the phone. If they wish to get a hold of me, they can email me and she gives them my email address.

The next day, no email but at least no phone call. I guess whoever it was, wasn’t interested after all.

A week later…guess what!!? Same old caller, same old story! Now, I am try to figure out whether this person is naive or just plain stupid. I mean, what part OF EMAIL IS MY MAIN MODE OF COMMUNICATING don’t these friggin’ idiot morons understand??????? So Steph in understanding my frustration polite informs me, “Its bullshit”.

Although there are no guarantees, judging from some of the cochlear implant stories I have read and heard, there is a possibility that I might be able to use the phone after all! Since the implant is connected with the brain, something of intelligent nature is being transmitted to it. This is unlike my hearing aid which does not more than amplify sound. I have been warned that it will take alot of effort and training and could take up to a year. I am really looking forward to that!

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