Forgot to mention (as an addendum to Thank you Nurse Steph!)

By the time you read this, it will be 14 days to activation. Am I excited? You bet! But by the same token, I am trying to keep my expectations down because I have been warned that my world is going to sound like a bunch of Daffy Ducks and Charlie Browns on a really bad 50 year old TV. Not to mention all of those strange noises coming at me en masse. With this, I am considering myself warned.

Anyway, I forgot to mention in my last posting that Steph is also my sometimes ears. Last Saturday, we had a small party with some friends. Nothing more than a social get together that has evolved out of Steph’s Supper Club as was mentioned in the Checkers article about us. I wasn’t really in any of the conversations. Why? Over the years, my hearing has been slowly deteriorating almost to a point where group conversations are impossible to follow. I have been relying more on Steph to tell me what a particular conversation is about just so that I could “join in”. And then by the time I join in, the topic has shifted to something else. Now imagine, the conversation is about the recently caught Amherst Bike Path rapist and here I am, chiming in on what a great pair of sneakers Steph got me (asics GT-2120 in black).

Sucks, doesn’t it?

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